Where Are All the Hvar Celebrities?

Long before arriving on the island of Hvar, Croatia, I had one thing in mind:


Beyonce and Jay-Z are big fans of Hvar and vacation here each year on their private yacht.  Last summer, Beyonce even found a tree covered with blue ivy — months before Blue Ivy herself arrived.

I’ve mentioned this in passing before — if there’s anything I love more than travel and blogging, it’s celebrities.  I spend large portions of my day engrossed in celebrity gossip.  I don’t do drugs; this is my vice!

So I was especially looking forward to spending time in one of the biggest celebrity hotspots on the Mediterranean.

The big surprise to me?  Hvar wasn’t remotely star-studded.

OMG, IT’S SURI!  SURI!  SURIIIIIIIIIII — oh, wait, it isn’t.

Don’t get me wrong — Hvar Town was absolutely lovely.  It had a nice waterfront, tons of cafes (with wifi!) and lovely streets to explore.

But it didn’t look or feel remotely like the celebrity hotspot that it is.  Take other celebrity yacht destinations: Capri, Portofino, St. Tropez.  These places are filled with Gucci and Pandora boutiques, ostentatious hotels, and exclusive bars and restaurants.

In Hvar, I saw none of the above.

The yachts?  Not so big.  The tourists?  Mostly families.  Even the prices were the same as the rest of the Dalmatian Coast.

So what was the draw?  What separated it from the other Croatian islands?  As nice as Hvar was, its architecture wasn’t as good as KorĨula’s, and its natural beauty paled in comparison to Mljet’s.

Our Busabout guide, Adam, suggested we have a contest to see who could photograph the biggest celebrity.

I got this guy:

I have no idea who he is, but he looks a bit Karl Lagerfeld-esque and carries himself like a celebrity.  Dude has to be famous!

So the landscape was pretty desolate — then again, maybe it just wasn’t quite the season yet.  We were there in early June, and high season doesn’t pick up until July and August.

Or maybe the celebs were off vacationing on their private beaches.

Blue Ivy is probably building a sandcastle on this beach as I write this.  OF COURSE she’d be on the other side of the island.  She can sense my fandom from miles away.

I visited Hvar as a guest of Busabout‘s Croatia One-Way Sail.  All opinions, as always, are my own.


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