Man rides world’s tallest bike

Man rides world’s tallest bike

Makes the world look incredibly small

There are some crazy cats in this world and this is one such guy.
This video depicts a man riding a 14.5-foot-tall bike that he built himself. Why did he do it? We don’t quite know.
The video, entitled ‘STOOPIDTALL’, shows Richie Trimble, climbing up a wall to get onto the world’s tallest bike. He then rides around dodging traffic in Los Angeles, USA, in one helluva awesome video. He even has a close call with an overpass and a traffic intersection (beware: this video will make your palms sweat).
“Everyone looks at you like you’re nuts and they’re right,” he told LA Streets Blog.
“My Mum even said so!”

Afterwards, he described a scary moment when he realised he was losing headroom in an overpass.
“It got to the point where my body, my back was parallel to the ground and I looked at my hand and I had about two inches clearance above my knuckles and then I came out from under the bridge and the whole crowd ROARED,” he said.
“A deafening scream of ‘Holy shit, you made it!’
“And I swear, those smiles must have lasted the whole ride.”
Some Reddit users criticised Trimble for not using a helmet, but he said it was more like a circus performance than a normal bike ride.
Trimble made the pushbike in just 12 hours using a beach cruiser, metal tubing, a brake wheel set and single speed bicycle chains.
What do you think of the video? Are you brave enough to do it? Let us know by posting your comments below.


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